The mission of the AACC is to promote cooperation among the various segments of the automatic control profession within the US, and to represent the US in international activities. In doing so, AACC is committed to fostering a professional and respectful environment at all AACC events. AACC takes pride in offering safe, professional, inclusive events in which all participants feel welcome, feel safe to share their points of view, and leave with the desire to attend the next event. By attending our meetings, you agree to comply with AACC’s Events Code of Conduct.
- Applicability
This Events Code of Conduct applies to all AACC events, defined broadly as all in-person or online AACC sponsored or -organized meetings or gatherings. This Events Code applies to all participants in AACC events: organizers, attendees, speakers, session chairs, guests, volunteers, exhibitors, service providers, and anyone else in attendance.
- Conduct Requirements for all Participants
Treat everyone with respect.
Listen to others. Make room for a diversity of voices in group discussions, on panels, and the like without pressuring those who choose not to speak.
Comply with requests to stop behavior. If any AACC Leaders or event leadership role asks you to stop a behavior, immediately and respectfully comply.
Show that you value differing perspectives. Communicate openly and civilly. Critique ideas, not people.
Be inclusive and intentional about welcoming a diversity of individuals and their identities when networking, organizing panels, leading sessions, or inviting others to share ideas.
Respect the rules and policies of the meeting venue, hotels, AACC contractors, online platform, or any other venue.
Be Accountable: When we as organizers or participants fail to meet these guidelines, work together to identify problems and adjust policy and practice together.
Promote or participate in harassment, bullying, discrimination, stalking, or intimidation in-person, online, and/or on social media.
Participate in physical, verbal, written, or other forms of abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, staff member, service provider, or other guest. This includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate use of images in public spaces or in presentations, or disruption or disallowing participation of others.
Participate in hurtful comments related to gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, national origin, family status, or other features of personal identity.
Intentionally talk over or interrupt others.
Take photography without permission.
Retaliate against or disadvantage anyone for reporting a concern or cooperating in an investigation. Do not make bad faith accusations.
- How to Report Misconduct
Violations of this code of conduct policy should be reported to AACC leadership or AACC Meeting Event organizers.
- Call 911 if you have an immediate and serious public safety concern.
- Speak to an A2C2TION leader onsite (look for anyone wearing an A2C2TION pin).
AACC Leadership Contacts:
a. Robert Judd, President: (Click to show email)
b. Dawn Tilbury, Past-President: (Click to show email)
AACC leadership will work to address the reported violation. Anonymous reporting is also available to all participants by clicking on the link below. However, please note that there are limitations with anonymous reporting that ultimately make it more difficult to investigate because it’s harder to verify the information or follow up with the reporter for additional details. This can make it more difficult to act on the report.
AACC Code of Conduct Reporting Form:
- Consequences
If AACC leadership finds that a code of conduct violation has occurred, they have the responsibility to take all necessary actions to ensure the continued safety of meeting participants, to avoid further disruptions, and to prevent further harm.
Consequences for violating the AACC Events Code of Conduct may include verbal warnings, removal from AACC events (without refund), termination of volunteer position, withdrawal or retraction of presentations, publications, or posters, suspension from making presentations at AACC sponsored meetings, denial or revocation of honors and awards, notification to respondent’s member organization or home institution, or notifying appropriate authorities.
Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.