Dagfinn Gangsaas
Dagfinn Gangsaas
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Dagfinn Gangsaas earned the B.Sc. degree with Honors in Aeronautical Engineering from University of Glasgow in 1967 and the M.S. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from University of Washington in 1974. He is currently an independent consultant in aircraft flight control. During 31 years with the Boeing Company he held a wide range of engineering and management positions in research, development and implementation of flight control systems for commercial and military aircraft. Early in his career he worked in aircraft flight mechanics and the design and flight testing of the .rst digital fly-by-wire systems at Boeing (YC-14). In subsequent assignments he pioneered the successful practical application of linear quadratic synthesis techniques to several research aircraft, the Boeing 767, the Boeing Joint Strike Fighter, and the Darkstar autonomous aircraft; these techniques are currently being applied to the Embraer 170/190 family of regional jets. He conducted and directed research into highly integrated flight, propulsion and utilities control system architectures with applications of photonics technology, automated computer-aided control system design tools, flight trajectory optimization, adaptive control, flying qualities, reliability and failure analysis, failure detection and redundancy management, and advanced hydro-mechanical and electrical actuation systems. He directed the early development of the integrated flight and propulsion control systems for Navy, Marine and Air Force versions of Boeing's entry into the competition for the Joint Strike Fighter. Following the crash of the Darkstar autonomous aircraft he led the redesign of the flight control and other systems which led to the successful resumption of flight testing of this very challenging aircraft. During his last assignment with Boeing he co-chaired the joint FAA and Boeing 737 Rudder Control System Independent Investigation Board. Mr. Gangsaas has three United States patents and over 20 publications. Of particular note are: Wind Models for Flight Simulator Certification of Landing and ApproachGuidanc e and Control Systems (adopted as a standard for atmospheric wind and turbulence simulation models); Application of Modern Synthesis to Aircraft Control: Three Case Studies (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Outstanding Paper of the Year Award for 1986); and Control Law Design For Aircraft Using Multivariable Techniques (International Journal of Control, included as a chapter in the book Advances in Aircraft Flight Control, Mark Tischler, ed., 1996). Mr. Gangsaas has been a Visiting Fellow to the Australian National University, a past Director, Officer and President of the American Automatic Control Council, past member of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control and the SAE Aerospace, Guidance and Control committees, Associate Fellow of the AIAA, General Chairman of the 1990 ACC and the 1983 AIAA GNC conferences, and past Chairman of the Boeing Inter-Division Flight Control Technology Group.
- 1994-1995 President (Executive Officers)
- 1992-1993 Vice President (Executive Officers)
- 1990-1990 General Chair (Operating Committee (ACC OpCom))
- 1990-1990 General Chair (ACC Organizing Committee)