Daniel Liberzon
United States of America

Daniel Liberzon

University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign,

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Daniel Liberzon was born in the former Soviet Union on April 22, 1973. He was a student in the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University from 1989 to 1993 and received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Brandeis University in 1998 (under the supervision of Prof. Roger W. Brockett of Harvard University).
Following a postdoctoral position in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University from 1998 to 2000, he joined the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, where he is now an associate professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and a research associate professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory. Dr. Liberzon's research interests linear control theory, analysis and synthesis of switched systems, control with limited information, and uncertain and stochastic systems. He is the author of the book Switching in Systems and Control (Birkhauser, 2003) and the author or coauthor of over thirty journal articles on the above topics. Dr. Liberzon served as an Associate Editor on the IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board in 1999-2000, and currently serves on the editorial board of the journal Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. He received the IFAC Young Author Prize and the NSF CAREER Award, both in 2002, and was elected a senior member of IEEE in 2004. He received the Donald P. Eckman Award from the American Automatic Control Council in 2007, and the Xerox Award for Faculty Research from the UIUC College of Engineering also in 2007.

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