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Dr. Glenn Y. Masada is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where he has been on the faculty for over 30 years. He holds the Temple Foundation Endowed Teaching Fellowship. He also served as Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs for the Cockrell School of Engineering and Associate Chair for Research in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests focus on system dynamics and control of energy conversion systems, and he teaches courses on dynamics, system dynamics, control, and mechatronics.
Dr. Masada served as Publicity Chair (1996), Finance Chair (2003), and General Chair (2010) for the ACC, and the ASME Director on the Board of the AACC. He served on several major positions for ASME and the Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) which include: General Chair (1992) and Technical Program Chair (1991) of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting (renamed the International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition) and member of the National Nominating Committee (1993-1995); and Chair (2000), Executive Committee Member (1998-2001), and Honors Chair (2005-2007) for the DSCD.
Dr. Masada has a B.S. from the University of Hawaii, M.S. from Stanford University, and Sc.D. from MIT, all in Mechanical Engineering. He worked for two years after his M.S. degree for the Boeing Aerospace Company in Seattle, WA. He is a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.
- 2016-2017 President (Executive Officers)
- 2014-2015 Vice President (Executive Officers)
- 2010-2010 General Chair (Operating Committee (ACC OpCom))
- 2010-2010 General Chair (ACC Organizing Committee)
- 2003-2003 Finance Chair (Operating Committee (ACC OpCom))