Kingsley Fregene

Kingsley Fregene

Lockheed Martin Corporation

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Kingsley Fregene is the Chief Engineer for Applied Research at Lockheed Martin Corporation in Dallas, TX. In this role, he oversees a broad portfolio of Advanced Technology Development activities that enables the corporation to create new capabilities for its products and programs. He previously led the Robotics & Intelligent Systems Group at Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, championing new technologies for autonomous control of unconventional unmanned vehicle systems operating in aerial, ground, and maritime domains. Prior to Lockheed Martin, he was with Honeywell Labs, where he had key roles on several DARPA and AFRL aerial vehicle autonomy programs. He currently serves the technical community as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. He has served in other capacities over the years including: Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls; Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Sciences & Engineering; Guest Editor, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, and technical program committees for AACC American Control Conference, and IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Kingsley’s recognition for leadership and excellence include the Nova Award – Lockheed Martin Corporation’s highest honor presented annually to the top 1% of the corporation's workforce consisting of individuals and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the corporation’s mission and business objectives. Other honors include best paper awards at the AIAA Modeling & Simulation Conference (2012), and the American Helicopter Society Forum (2010). Beyond the technical/scientific literature, his work has been featured in National Geographic: Engineering Inspirations from Nature, a video and workbook series for middle school students, and in the children’s books Tiny Robots (2015) and Mimic-Makers: Biomimicry Inventors Inspired by Nature (2021). Kingsley received his Ph.D. and M.A.Sc. from the University of Waterloo, Canada, and his B.Eng. with first class honors from Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, all in Electrical & Computer Engineering.

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