Manfred Morari
Manfred Morari
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Manfred Morari was appointed head of the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Zurich in 1994. Before that he was the McCollum-Corcoran Professor of Chemical Engineering and Executive Officer for Control and Dynamical Systems at the California Institute of Technology. He obtained the diploma from ETH Zurich and the Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota, both in chemical engineering. His interests are in predictive and robust control and hybrid systems with applications to the control of automotive, mechatronic and biomedical systems. Professor Morari held visiting positions at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of many research articles and co-authored / co-edited five books, among them Robust Process Control (with E. Zafiriou, 1989) and Hybrid systems: Computation and control (with L.Thiele, 2005). His publications are among the most widely cited in engineering according to ISIHighlyCited.com. For the design, analysis and implementation of controllers for constrained linear and hybrid systems, his research group has established the Multi-Parametric Toolbox, a software depository that includes the contributions of the major international groups working in these areas. The toolbox has enjoyed great popularity as is attested by the more than 8000 downloads recorded in three years. Of the more than 50 doctoral and postdoctoral students Morari has supervised many have assumed positions of major responsibility in business or academia, more than 20 now hold academic positions in major universities around the world. In recognition of his research contributions, he received numerous awards, among them the Donald P. Eckman Award of the Automatic Control Council, the Allan P. Colburn Award and the Professional Progress Award of the AIChE, the Curtis W. McGraw Research Award of the ASEE, Doctor Honoris Causa from Babes-Bolyai University, Fellow of IEEE, the IEEE Control Systems Field Award, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (U.S.). Professor Morari has held appointments with Exxon and ICI plc and serves on the technical advisory board of several major corporations.