R. Russell Rhinehart
United States of America

R. Russell Rhinehart

Oklahoma State University

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Dr. R. Russell Rhinehart, professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University, holds the Amoco Endowed Chair, and has experience in both industry (13 years) and academe (27 years). He was Head of the School from 1997 to 2008 (and during the 2012 academic year). Russ is a fellow of the International Society of Automation (ISA), and served as Editor-in-Chief of ISA Transactions (1998-2011). He is a CONTROL Automation Hall of Fame inductee, and received the 2009 ISA Distinguished Service and the 2013 Fray International Sustainability Awards. Russ served in many roles within the American Control Conferences and the AACC. He was General Chair for the 2002 ACC in Anchorage, Alaska, after holding various positions on the Operating Committees for the 1995, 1997, & 1999 ACCs, and that of ISA Society Review Chair for ACCs from 1995 to 2001. He served as an ISA alternate delegate to AACC from 1991-2003, and represented AACC to the Process Control Systems Governing Board during 2005&6. Russ was AACC Treasurer from 2003 to 2009, VP during 2010&11, and President during 2012&2013. Interested in bridging the research-practice gap, Russ contributed to the creation of the AACC Control Engineering Practice Award, tutorial sessions within the ACC, and the ACC positions of Vice Chair for Industry and Applications and Vice Chair for Student Affairs. His 1968 B.S. in Chemical Engineering and subsequent M.S. in Nuclear Engineering are both from the University of Maryland. His 1985 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering is from North Carolina State University. He is coauthor of the textbook, Applied Engineering Statistics, and has authored several handbook chapters on modeling, process control, and optimization. He published over 55 journal articles, over 75 full-paper refereed periodical or conference papers, six chapters, one book, and three patents. Russ teaches modeling, optimization, and process control courses; and has developed short courses and workshops related to nonlinear regression, nonlinear model-based control, statistical process control, and instrument and control systems. He is the faculty advisor the award-winning ISA Student Section at OSU.

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