ACC 2003

2003 American Control Conference

Geographic Location
Denver, CO, USA

Event Menu


The following topics are dealt with: automated highway systems; infinite-dimensional systems; control system design; Lyapunov functions; stability; LMI; nonlinear/linear control systems; closed loop systems; vehicles control; aerospace control; robust control; adaptive control; feedback; control engineering education; uncertainity; self-tuning control; process control; biocontrol; engines; time delay systems; sliding mode control; adaptive stabilization; communication networks; spacecraft formation flight; Petri nets; PID control; guidance; discrete time systems; constrained systems; robust systems; fault tolerant systems; industrial processes; neurocontrol; Internet based control; human-centered multi-vehicle control; information storage; vibration and noise control; stability of time delay systems; signal and communication systems; and flight control.

Additional Conference Chairs

V-C Invited - L.Y. Pao
V-C Special Sessions - A.N. Palazoglu
V-C Industry & App. - L.P. Russo
Finance Chair - G.Y. Masada
Local Arrangements - R.A. Shoureshi
Registration Chair - L.H. Keel
Publications Chair - K.R. Muske
Publicity Chair - R. Horowitz
Workshop Chair - M.H. Shor
Exhibits Chair - D.W. Repperger
Student Programs Chair    M. Shor    M. J. Balas