ACC 2006

2006 American Control Conference

Geographic Location
Minneapolis, MN, USA

Event Menu


The 25th anniversary American Control Conference (ACC) will be held Wednesday through Friday, June 14-16, 2006 at the Hilton Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA.

Minneapolis offers a variety of activities including outdoor recreation in the numerous lakes and parklands, world-class theaters and art museums, and collegiate and professional sporting events. The city is also known as a center for music, finance, industry, trade, and transportation for the Upper Midwest USA and is home to many Fortune 500 companies.

The ACC is held in conjunction with IFAC and provides an opportunity for cooperation among people working in the fields of control, automation, and related areas from AIAA, AIChE, AIST, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ISA, and SCS. The technical program will cover topics from control theory, industrial applications, and control education in technical, interactive, and tutorial sessions and pre-conference workshops. For the most current information, visit the conference website.

Organizing Committee
Vice Chair: Special Sessions - Michael J. Piovoso
Vice Chair: Invited Sessions - Mark Balas
Vice Chair: Industry & Applications - Wendy Foslien
Vice Chair: Student Affairs - Prabhakar Pagilla
Exhibits Chair - Michael R. Moan
Finance Chair - Oscar R. Gonzalez
Local Arrangements Chair - Gary J. Balas
Publications Chair - May-Win Thein
Publicity Chair - Richard T. O'Brien
Registration Chair - John M. Watkins
Workshops Chair - Daniel Abramovitch