ACC 2007

2007 American Control Conference

Geographic Location
New York, NY, USA

Event Menu


The American Automatic Control Council (AACC) will hold the 26th American Control Conference (ACC) Wednesday through Friday, July 11 to 13, 2007 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel at Times Square in New York City, USA. The ACC is an annual, 3-day event, presenting about 900 papers, with over 1200 participants from the measurement and automation communities. Presentations are selected through a review process and issued in the proceedings. This premier conference and associated workshops (two additional days before the conference drawing approximately 200 participants) focus on advances in the theory and practice associated with automatic control.

The 2007 ACC will feature the presentation of contributed and invited papers, as well as tutorial sessions and workshops. In addition to the standard oral presentations, the 2007 ACC will also feature interactive presentations which will provide active exchange with the audience. Topics for the interactive sessions will be selected specifically to benefit from the time for interaction and discussion that are not available in a typical oral session, and the authors will be encouraged to make creative use of poster boards as well as hands-on computer simulations and demonstrations. The conference will cover a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and practice of control and automation, including robotics, manufacturing, guidance and control, power systems, process control, identification and estimation, signal processing, modeling and advanced simulation, model validation, fault detection, multivariable control, adaptive control, robust control, intelligent control, expert systems, neural networks, industrial applications of advanced control, control engineering education, and computer-aided design.