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ACC Best Student Paper Award


Nomination deadline: December 1


Primary, first-listed authors of regular contributed papers who were students at the time of submission are eligible for the American Control Student Best Paper Award. The nominated papers are reviewed through the usual conference process and by the Student Best Paper Award Committee.

Form Instructions:
The following information will be necessary in order to complete the nomination application form:

  • All fields marked by a red asterisk (*) is required.
  • Three letters of support are required with option to submit no more than 5. You will need to provide the Supporter's Name, Affiliation, Email address and upload the letter of support.
  • You may save the application at anytime during the process. You will receive an email on how to access your draft to update the nomination application.
  • Upon submission, a confirmation email will be sent for to you for your reference.


Nominee Information

Institution Degree Year Major
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Company/Lab/Institution Name Position or Title Dates
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Organization Position or Title
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Awarding Organization Award Name Year
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Supporting Letters

Letters from at least three (3) but not more than five (5) individuals must accompany the nomination form. Chairs and members of AACC Awards Committee and members of the subcommittee of the award for which the candidate is being nominated are not eligible to write supporting letters. Please list the names of individuals writing supporting letters. Letters from only the five listed below will be used for award evaluation.

Name Affiliation Letter of Support
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
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Nominator Information