Aaron D. Ames
United States of America

Aaron D. Ames

California Institute of Technology

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Aaron Ames (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and the B.A. degree in mathematics from the University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN, USA, in 2001, the M.A. degree in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer sciences from UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, in 2006.,He is currently the Bren Professor of mechanical and civil engineering and control and dynamical systems with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA. Prior to joining Caltech in 2017, he was an Associate Professor with Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, CA, USA. He was a Postdoctoral Scholar in control and dynamical systems with Caltech from 2006 to 2008, and began his faculty career with Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, in 2008. His lab designs, builds and tests novel bipedal robots, humanoids and prostheses with the goal of achieving human-like bipedal robotic locomotion and translating these to robotic assistive devices. His research interests span the areas of robotics, nonlinear control and hybrid systems, with a special focus on applications to bipedal robotic walking both formally and through experimental validation.,Dr. Ames was the recipient of the 2005 Leon O. Chua Award for Achievement in Nonlinear Science, the 2006 Bernard Friedman Memorial Prize in Applied Mathematics, the NSF CAREER Award in 2010, the 2015 Donald P. Eckman Award, and the 2019 IEEE CSS Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize.

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