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What Is Automatic Control?


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This is a short explainer video about the basic principles of feedback and automatic control.  The video explains how automatic control (which allows machines to self-correct their behavior) is based on the fundamental principle of feedback (where we measure the outcome and use that measurement to adjust what we do at the input).  

This video was sponsored by the American Automatic Control Council (AACC), the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), and the research group of Professor Maarten Steinbuch at Eindhoven University of Technology. 

It is the result of a collaborative effort between a volunteer task force (Danny Abramovitch, Roxy Jackson, Steffi Knorn, Margret Bauer, Kam Leang, and Maarten Steinbuch) in consultation with Dan Cho.  The final video was produced by MoinMotion.